Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flower Gardening

When we moved into our house 6 years ago, there were absolutely no flowers in the backyard - none at all!  Now I have a huge butterfly bush, azaleas, coneflowers, lilies of all varieties, columbine, hostas, hibiscus, hydrangeas, the list could go on and on.  Have I spent alot of money on my gardens?  Of course not!  You know me!  So how have I been able to grow such a huge variety of beautiful flowers?

Here's some ways to get your flowers gardens going without spending money:

Start talking to your friends. You probably know at least one person who is passionate about their flowers.  Spend some time looking at their gardens.  Odds are that they would love to share some seeds, bulbs or small starts.  (I've even been known to stop at a yard sale, talk to the person who lives there and walk away with a handful of seeds that they just gave me.  People who love their flowers love to share seeds!!! 

Start digging.  You don't have to plan your first garden.  Just start digging.  You can always change it next year.

Use the soil you have! When we first started flower gardening, people told me that I needed to buy mulch or potting soil.  Big problem with that!  That cost money and couldn't be a first priority.  So we just used the dirt we had when we started digging.  Was it the best soil?  Of course not.  But it was a great place to start.

Don't bother buying edging stone, black landscape cloth or weed kill.  A neighbor told us we could have as many rocks as we wanted from where he was doing some building. These made really unique flower garden edgers.  We just pulled weeds by hand.

Bottom line...... Flower gardening is a joy!  But it doesn't have to require lots of money! 

What about you? How do you save money in your flower gardens? I'd love to hear!

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