Audiobooks are great for people who love to read books but find themselves on the go more often than they find themselves in a chair on the beach. Unfortunately, audiobooks tend to be quite pricy. Good thing there are tons of options for frugal audio books!
Where do we find audiobooks?
The best place to find audiobooks is your local library. The Boyle County Library has tons of audiobooks in the kids and adult section. We always check out several before we make a road trip. Most libraries let you check these audiobooks out for 14 days (some libraries have different check out days - so check first).
Cracker Barrel has a 'rental' programhere. (FREE of course)You purchase the audiobook in one Cracker Barrel location at full price (usually prices range from $10 up to $49 - Rather steep initial out of pocket) BUT you can return the audiobook at another Cracker Barrel location and get a refund of your full purchase price minus $3.49. So basically you rent the audiobook for $3.49 for up to 1 week. (Thanks Mahala & Mom!)
Lit2Go - a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format; Read details
Books Should Be Free100s of free downloadable audiobooks; Click here for details.
Are there other ways to enjoy listening to a good book without spending alot of money? I'd love to hear!
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